Better than the Ministry required ratios: we have 1 teacher to every 4 children under the age of two
We develop strong relationships between home and centre
Open door policy, you are welcome any time! With a space for you to feed your child
Large natural outside environment with a range of spaces for quiet one to one interactions and challenging spaces to encourage the development of your child’s gross motor skills.
Safe spaces for your child under 12 months where they can play and engage with teachers and other children on the floor.
Prioritising you and your child’s sense of wellbeing
Sleep room is separate to the classroom with both cots and stretcher beds to allow teachers to be responsive to children's changing routines. The space promotes rest and quality sleep.
Children and Whanau benefit from a primary caregiving system, where teachers and children develop close relationships through care giving routines and the daily sharing of information at both the start, and end of days. This is to ensure continuity of care between home and North Haven. Notebooks are at times utilised, where it is seen as a benefit to the child and whanau to document daily routines such as sleep and feed times.
Information within the Koru Room team is shared frequently throughout the day to ensure each teacher is familiar with child routines and happenings.
Teaching strategies are tailored to each child's learning needs. These are documented within the child's individual plan.
Transitions into the Centre and through to the Over Two environment are supported through a transition plan - this includes settling visits with whanau, and information sharing throughout the process.
Better than the Ministry required ratios of with 1 teacher to every 9 children over the age of two
Strong relationships between home and centre
Expansive natural outside environment with a range of spaces including our own grass sports field, large playground spaces, sandpit, nature exploration area.
Challenging spaces that change daily to encourage the development of your child’s gross motor skills, structured times of the day for large group experiences
A specific learning journey teacher for each child. This teacher will develop a special relationship with your family and be responsible for creating your child’s individual curriculum.
Teaching strategies are tailored to each child's learning needs. These are documented within the child's individual plan.
Transitions to school are well supported with a Transition to school plan. - this includes preparing your child for school in the Discovery Room, and information sharing throughout the process.
Transitions are responsive to each child and their whanau. Where a child requires more time at North Haven past their 5th birthday we may be able to accommodate this.